Eleftheria Batsou 2020

Hello friends, in this post I have included 4 live streams I did on youtube.

All the projects are using HTML, CSS, and JS.

Sometimes I focus more on JS other times more on CSS.

But I always try to have a fun creative project that you'll enjoy :)


1.Peekaboo - Animations (JS + CSS)

In this video:In this video I'll show you how to program animated HTML, and in particular, Peekaboo boxes using CSS transitions. The transitions are triggered using only one line of JavaScript! The Peekaboo box can be animated into the web page at any desired scroll point.


yesCodepen: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou

yesPeekaboo image: https://derpicdn.net/img/2017/1/11/1337488/thumb.png

yesWorking project: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou/pen/mdewyvz

yesInspiration: http://www.developphp.com/



2.Pomodoro Timer By FreeCodeCamp (JS)

In this video: I 'll show you how to create a Pomodoro clock using javascript, jquery and some animations! In FCC you can find all the user stories. I'm going to implement only some of them.


-User Story: I can start a 25-minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed.

-User Story: I can reset the clock for my next pomodoro.

-User Story: I can customize the length of each pomodoro.

-User Story: After 'break' or 'work' is done you'll hear a sound.


If you watched the video you know:

So... I found the error... :(

I misspelled the function 'onclick' I capitalized the 'C'...

I wrote onClick when it should have been 'onclick'


yesCodepen: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou

yesBackground sound: http://soundbible.com/grab.php?id=1377&type=mp3

yesWorking project: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou/pen/ZEbXJLV?editors=0010

yesInstructions on FCC: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/front-end-libraries/front-end-librari...

yesExternal Library for Animation: https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Customizable-Liquid-Bubble-Chart-With-...

and https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Customizable-Liquid-Bubble-Chart-With-...



3.Simple Digital Clock (JS)

In this video, I'll show you how to program animated HTML, and in particular, Peekaboo boxes using CSS transitions. The transitions are triggered using only one line of JavaScript! The Peekaboo box can be animated into the web page at any desired scroll point.


yesCodepen: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou

yesBackground image: https://derpicdn.net/img/2017/1/11/1337488/thumb.png

yesWorking project: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou/pen/VwvzWpo



3.Analog Clock (CSS + JS)

In this video I 'll show you how to create a simple yet elegant analog clock


yesCodepen: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou

yesWorking project: https://codepen.io/EleftheriaBatsou/pen/KKdQjbp

yesCubic animation: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/func_cubic-bezier.asp


Thanks for watching! 

Have a beautiful productive day :)